
Branding for your medical or specialty practice goes well beyond a logo or website. Branding is how people engage with you and how they explain your practice to others. A strong brand means your practice mission (what your practice stands for) is evident in everything that you do – from your logo, to your services, to your facilities, to your website and beyond. A successful brand results in patients liking, trusting and recommending your practice. CPC has a wealth of knowledge and a variety of services to help build your practice brand.


  • Branded Staff Attire
  • Brand Awareness and Patient Experience Training
  • Brand Packages – Stationary, Signage, Promotional Materials & More
  • Custom Logo Design
  • Facility Evaluation & Recommendation
  • Mystery Shopper – Research / Evaluation of Practice and Competitors
  • New Logo Introduction Campaigns
  • Staff Surveys
  • SWOT Analysis

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